Wednesday 6 November 2013

Why I trully recommend Herbalife to you and some frequently asked questions.

Have you had your shake today? :D

Watch this video to know how healthy and delicious Herbalife is!

Even sport celebs use it!  

 Christiano Ronaldo

Lionel Messi        

Why is Herbalife good for you?
Herbalife is good for you because it balances up the nutrients in your body. 

"Start everyday with balanced nutrition and essential nutrients for a healthy, active lifestyle."
Steve Henig, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Herbalife

Herbalife offers a collection of nutritional products that aim to promote health and weight loss. Best known for its soy-based meal replacement shakes, the company also offers a variety of vitamins. The Herbalife plan hinges on proper nutrition at the cellular level, which it says then promotes metabolism and weight loss.

                         You can save up a lot of money too!

Frequently asked questions:

1) What is Herbalife?

answer: Herbalife is a global nutrition company. Our products are sold exclusively through our Members and Independent Distributors who conduct business in more than 80 countries.

2) Is Herbalife safe? 

answer: Herbalife has been through extensive clinical tests. Studies have demonstrated that Herbalife products are safe.

3) Why is Herbalife so expensive?

answer: Herbalife isn't expensive, people have expensive priorities and they make expensive decisions that most often have very little value. In a nutshell, I am saying that Herbalife is not expensive, however due to certain choices, some people think they can't afforf it. Let me tell you 2 real life stories which highlight my sentiments  (The stories below I got from another blog:)
Case Study 1  I have two friends *Vanessa and *Bob. They have 20 kg (44 lbs) and 30 kg (66 lbs ) respectively to lose. They approached me about Herbalife and responded that Herbalife was too expensive. A few weeks later they went on a luxury cruise and on returning traveled across state to visit their grandchildren. This is a classic example of expensive priorities and expensive decisions. While I am sure that they had a great time today, those memories are a thing of the past and they are more overweight. They placed the price of pleasure over the cost of obesity.

Case Study 2  *Reginald and *Susan. Both these people are overweight and are quite critical of how other people look and how overweight other people are. I was perplexed to say the least when *Reginald informed me that he “could not justify the cost of Herbalife”. Let me briefly give you their story:  This couple live in a rather affluent area in my country and have a mortgage which costs them R25 000 per month ($3000). They have a lovely home, and yet spend very little time at home for recreational purposes. They lead hectic social lives and spend most of the time away from the home on weekends *Reginald and *Susan both work at home and in spite of the fact that neither of them do much work related traveling, they have two automobiles. They dine out out 3-4 times a week together for lunch and visit various game farms 4-6 times a year in addition to their regular month-long year-end vacation. They also have several expensive gadgets and other items gathering dust in storage. Sadly, Susan’s health has taken a nose-dive as she was diagnosed as pre-diabetic with heart conditions and several other weight related conditions for which she is taking medication that does more harm than good. They have a live in domestic whom they pay about R2000 ($280) per month excluding board and lodging. . This same domestic makes them omelets filled with salmon, cheese and other expensive ingredients for breakfast. They do their grocery shopping at the most expensive retail outlet in the country and buy all sorts of exotic and expensive foods which often get discarded due to expiring. In five minutes, I would be able to show *Reginald and *Simone just how they could justify the price of Herbalife, however the truth of the matter is that they have far too expensive priorities and they make expensive lifestyle choices.
More than 80 million people have achieved incredible results on Herbalife. I am sure that they will tell you that Herbalife is not expensive. (I will put my testimonies on my blog soon and you can check it out!)
4) What is Herbalife made of? / How is it manufactured?
5) Where can I get Herbalife?

answer: You can get it from a distributor (I am one of them, If you're interested you can contact me 0146766510 or 0168393956 or you can also email me at / If you're worried about not getting the result you wanted, don't worry! I will coach you and do follow ups until you get your desired goal:)

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